Monday, June 25, 2012

Apropos of Nothing: LB Clark Answers 5 Questions

LB Clark is an independent author, editor, and publisher living in East Texas.  She is the author of the urban fantasy/romance series, Jukebox Heroes.

When do you feel most confident?
When I’m expressing myself in writing, whether in a novel or a blog or a Facebook post.  I know that the written word is my friend.

How does music affect your life?
The shorter answer might be, how does music not affect my life?  Music is a huge part of my world.  I love live shows, and I once drove from East Texas to California just to see the debut performance of a band.  I use music to help set the mood when I’m writing, or to get past writer’s block.  I write about music and musicians.  And when the world crashes in on me, I hop in the car, crank up the tunes, and drive until I feel better.  I’ve had songs pop up on my iPod or the radio at random as if Someone somewhere was trying to send me a message, and more than once one of those ‘coincidences’ has changed the course of my life.

How do you decide between right and wrong?
In some cases, there is no right or wrong.  In others, it’s pretty clear cut.  Essentially I try to make sure my decisions don’t hurt anyone, myself included.

How do you act when you want to avoid doing something?
It depends on what I want to avoid doing, I guess.  Mostly I find really mindless things to do instead, like play Facebook games.

Talk about your eating habits.
I’m a foodie, and I don’t mean one of those people who thinks only gourmet stuff is good.  I mean I’ll try most things once, and I love to experiment with food.  I also have some very strange tastes.  For instance, I love Vegemite, even though I’m not Australian.  It’s really good with Provolone on a toasted cheese sandwich or stirred into boxed white cheddar mac ‘n’ cheese.

To learn more about LB and her work, please visit:

Thanks for stopping by, LB! I'm right there with you on the foodie thing, though I've never tried Vegemite. I ate sushi once though...

My next guest will be my publisher, Inknbeans Press! They're quite a great bunch of beans over there, and I'm not just saying that because of their excellent taste in writers.