Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Apropos of Nothing: Inknbeans Press Answers 5 Questions

Inknbeans was conceived in 1998, having two mothers and a father and a sort of benevolent uncle.  During gestation Ink had another name which really didn't have anything to do with books, but evidently had much to do with structural engineering, which caused its parents to change the name under threat of law.  Just weeks before birth, it was renamed Inknbeans Press, after three of the four parents' slavish devotion to coffee and the plan to offer coffee with the books for sale.  Now three years old, Ink thrives, surrounded by talented authors and artists, in an environment which encourages a healthy blend of respect for traditions as well as experimental and visionary thinking.

Talk about a joyful time in your life.
There are many. Every time one of our authors sees their book available at Amazon, or in print, or they get that first great review, or their next great idea.

If there were 6 more hours in the day, how would you spend them?
Reading.  Every day we get submissions. Some great, some not so great, some not so great which could be great. We read every one. We'd like to get back to each author quickly, but it takes time to read them all and decide if we can help the author realize their dreams.

Complete the sentence: "I am the kind of person who…"
…looks for the lemonade. We like to take people at face value, and anticipate the best from them. Sometimes we're disappointed, but most of the time we're amazed at the capacity for good that lurks within people. By good, we mean talent, kindness, compassion and generosity of spirit.

Complete the sentence: "I wish I had someone with whom I could share…"
…the times when all we get are lemons. There are times when things are discouraging, but not enough to give up or lose hope.

Complete the sentence: "My favorite kind of music is…"
We like music. Classical, global, Christian, rock, roll, pop, hip-hop, show tunes, holiday tunes, big band, school bands, percussion, guitar, trumpet, cello, koto, opera, symphonic, and impromptu singing in the office. And yet, we do not like American Idol.

To learn more about Inknbeans Press and the books they offer, please visit:

Their Website
The Boss' Facebook Page
The Other Facebook Page
Their Twitter Profile

It's been a pleasure interviewing you, Ink. I'll be sending you another batch of lemons to juice soon! In the meantime, my next guest will be Laurie Boris, author of Drawing Breath (recently reviewed on this site).