Saturday, July 7, 2012

Apropos of Nothing: Valerie Douglas Answers 5 Questions

Valerie Douglas is a prolific writer and a genre-crosser, much to the delight of her fans. A fan of authors from almost every genre from Isaac Asimov to Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, she writes classic fantasy, romance, suspense, and, as V.J. Devereaux, erotic romance. Who knows what will pop up down the road!

Happily married, she's companion to two dogs, four cats and an African clawed frog named Hopper who delights in tormenting the cats from his tank.

Give your definition of the "perfect party."
The sky is dark, the stars are twinkling and the moon is shining bright. Steaks and corn on the cob are on the grill, everyone has their favorite adult beverage in hand as they talk about the problems of the world or whatever book they’re writing/reading. Soft music plays in the background. The only other sound is the snap and crackle of the bonfire.

If you could watch only one hour of TV this week, what would you watch?
Big Bang Theory and old episodes of MASH. Intelligent comedy.

How does music affect your life?
I use it to clean to and to write to. I create soundtracks for my writing – everything from soundtrack music to country to opera, depending on the story.

Describe something you like to do that seems out of the ordinary.
Drive my Miata too fast. And I have the tickets to prove it. I read Tarot cards, too. And I’m a pretty good portrait artist.

Complete this sentence: "My favorite time of the day is…"
Dawn. I love the morning. It’s soooo quiet…and then the birds begin to sing and chatter, as if they’re welcoming the sun as it peeks above the horizon. The rest of the world hasn’t woken up yet, and for a short precious time, there is nothing but the song of the birds and the soft golden light that fills the sky.

To learn more about Valerie, please visit these sites:
Her Website
Her Blog
Her Facebook Page

Dawn, huh? I don't think I've willingly seen a dawn since...actually, I've never willingly seen a dawn. Maybe I'll have to stay up until morning sometime...

On July 9th, Nicole Storey will be here to answer her five random questions. See you then!
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