Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Apropos of Nothing: KR Hughes and TL Burns Answer 5 Questions

K. R. Hughes is a native of Amarillo, Texas. She has a degree in English, helps with the literacy program and tutors college students. Hughes has two children, Justin and Kayti. Hughes also has a historical novel, Treasured Love, under her pen name Kymber Lee.

T. L. Burns is the foremost researcher and historical guru for What She Knew. Burns and husband Ken have two grown children, Kenny and Deven. Burns is a native of California. She has spent the majority of her adult life working with at-risk kids and adults.

Both authors currently reside in Atlanta, GA where they write and encourage budding authors to follow their dreams.

Tell about a depressing time in your life.
The most depressing time in my life was when T L still lived in Texas but I had moved here. I kept thinking she needed to be here so we could write together and market our novel. I got involved with the Indy Film Industry in Atlanta, Georgia and was told that this novel would make an excellent movie. So I finally convinced her to come here and join me. YAY!

Say something about hitchhiking.
We both think if you’re a woman, just say no! You never know what is going to happen, unless, of course, you’re in Europe where that sort of thing is somewhat allowable. Then it could be a great adventure.

Talk about a joyful time in your life.
When K R finally stopped nagging me to come join her in Atlanta, I was either going to shoot her or join her (a little Texas humor).

Say something about resentment.
Resentment will eat at you until it corrodes your insides. It hurts no one but you. Let it go. Take a deep cleansing breath then forgive yourself and them. You’ll feel much better. Don’t worry, be happy!

Talk about the last time you lost your temper.
We had to yell at our publisher a few times in order to get the book finished correctly. We gave them a completed manuscript and the printer completely destroyed it. It was a mess and took us several weeks to straighten out. They wouldn’t just let us start over with the correct manuscript. UGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!! But it’s out and looks beautiful. So we just smile and move on.

To learn more about this writing team and their work, please visit:

Thank you both for stopping by. Funny you should mention hitchhiking in Europe…Italy is the only place I’ve ever gotten into a strange man’s car! Luckily, he drove my friends and me directly to a bus stop in a Florence suburb. Whew!

Join me on July 19th, when I will be interviewing Alex Canton-Dutari – one of the nicest clinical psychologists I’ve ever met. He also happens to be fascinating author and a good sport. 

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  1. Not ready to answer those questions. I need to think about them, and am glad you gave me the opportunity to realize that. Nice blog. Shared it.

  2. Thank you so much for having us!! We enjoyed the questions, some of them really made us think!!
